Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Engineer

There was an Engineer that came

Of some he was considered a shame

He was a brilliant man in math

For so he chose his path

He derived sin(x+y) when he was three

So an engineer he was destined to be

He got a degree at MIT

He was what was called the bourgeoisie

Not rich, not poor, but middle class

His high school class he did surpass

In knowledge, but not in skills

Of wooing women of Beverly Hills

And so he married, and she too

Was inept in matters few.

He was a chap who had a plan

He was a revolutionary man

He planned to make a wind generator

That could make electricity more

Than other systems proposed

A tethered kite which was posed

Three miles in the air

Of such matters he took great care

And so he had a vision to set

A record for the books, I bet

To be first to harvest electricity

From such heights, O how witty

He was coming along in typical attire

Button shirt, tie and eyes like fire,

He was intrigued by moving parts

And hoped to win at playing Hearts

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